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ISO4964-1984 ISO 4964-1984 钢.硬度换算法

标准编号:ISO4964-1984 整理时间:1984-01-01 浏览次数:299
资料名称: ISO4964-1984 ISO 4964-1984 钢.硬度换算法
语  言: 简体中文
授权形式: 免费下载
发布日期: 1984-01-01◎
实施日期: 1984-01-01◎
标准编号: ISO 4964-1984
标准名称: 钢.硬度换算法
英文名称: Steel; Hardness conversions(仅供参考)
标准简介: ISO 4964-1984 钢.硬度换算法 ISO4964-1984 Specifies conversion bands for hardness scales for Vickers/Brinell (steel ball and hardmetal ball) and Vickers/Rockwell (scales A B C and D). This conversion bands only apply to non-alloy and low-alloy steels for products of homogeneous structure and of thickness equal to or greater than the figure given in the relevant test standard. In cases of dispute the hardness value obtained from the hardness test should be used. Converted hardness values shall not be used as a basis for rejection of the steel. 压缩包解压密码:www.51zbz.com
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下载次数: 49次
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上一篇:EN ISO 6506-1-1999 金属材料布氏硬度试验第1部分:试验方法 下一篇:SD 143-1985 电力建设施工及验收技术规范(钢制承压管道对接焊缝射线检验篇) 相关链接:

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