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ISO4409-1986 ISO 4409-1986 液压传动.容积泵、电动机和整体式传动装置.稳态性能测定

标准编号:ISO4409-1986 整理时间:1986-01-01 浏览次数:29
资料名称: ISO4409-1986 ISO 4409-1986 液压传动.容积泵、电动机和整体式传动装置.稳态性能测定
语  言: 简体中文
授权形式: 免费下载
标准状态: 已作废◎
作废日期: 2007-03-29◎
发布日期: 1986-01-01◎
实施日期: 1986-01-01◎
标准编号: ISO 4409-1986
标准名称: 液压传动.容积泵、电动机和整体式传动装置.稳态性能测定
英文名称: (Hydraulic fluid power; Positive displacement pumps, motors and integral transmissions; Determination of steady-state performance)(仅供参考)
标准简介: ISO 4409-1986 液压传动.容积泵、电动机和整体式传动装置.稳态性能测定 ISO4409-1986 Specifies methods for determining the performance and efficiency of equipment and applies to components having continuously rotating shafts. Describes requirements for test installations test procedures and the presentation of test results. Annex A gives guidance as to the use of practical units annex B contains information on errors and classes of measurement accuracy and annex C provides a pretest checklist of those items on which agreement is recommended between the parties concerned. 压缩包解压密码:www.51zbz.com
推荐链接: 载入中
替代情况: 被ISO 4409-2007替代(仅供参考)
采标情况: (仅供参考)
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提出单位: (仅供参考)
归口单位: (仅供参考)
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起 草 人: (仅供参考)
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下载次数: 3次
下载地址: 点此打开推荐最佳下载地址
上一篇:ISO 4407-2002 液压传动.液压液污染.用光学显微镜计数法测定粒状物污染 下一篇:ISO 4411-1986 液压传动.阀门.压力差/流量的测定 相关链接:

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