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ISO5597-1987 ISO 5597-1987 液压传动.液压缸.往复作用的活塞和活塞杆的密封腔.尺寸和公差

标准编号:ISO5597-1987 整理时间:1987-12-01 浏览次数:39
资料名称: ISO5597-1987 ISO 5597-1987 液压传动.液压缸.往复作用的活塞和活塞杆的密封腔.尺寸和公差
语  言: 简体中文
授权形式: 免费下载
发布日期: 1987-12-01◎
实施日期: 1987-12-01◎
标准编号: ISO 5597-1987
标准名称: 液压传动.液压缸.往复作用的活塞和活塞杆的密封腔.尺寸和公差
英文名称: (Hydraulic fluid power; Cylinders; Housings for piston and rod seals in reciprocating applications; Dimensions and tolerances)(仅供参考)
标准简介: ISO 5597-1987 液压传动.液压缸.往复作用的活塞和活塞杆的密封腔.尺寸和公差 ISO5597-1987 Establishes the preferred range of nominal dimensions and associated tolerances for a series of housings as follows: for cylinders of 16 to 500 mm; for rods of 6 to 360 mm. For the compact series of ISO 6020-2 the ranges of dimensions are as follows: for cylinders of 25 to 200 mm; for rods of 12 to 140 mm. Does not give details of seal design. Applies to the dimensional criteria of products; does not apply to their functional characteristics. 压缩包解压密码:www.51zbz.com
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替代情况: 替代ISO 5597-1-1980(仅供参考)
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下载次数: 6次
下载地址: 点此打开推荐最佳下载地址
上一篇:ISO 5596-1999 液压传动.隔离式储气蓄能器.压力、容积的范围和特性量 下一篇:ISO 5598-1985 流体动力系统和件.词汇.两种语言版 相关链接:

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