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ISO230-6-2002 ISO 230-6-2002 机床检验通则.第6部分:体和面对角线的位置和精度的测定(对角线位移试验

标准编号:ISO230-6-2002 整理时间:2002-11-01 浏览次数:98
资料名称: ISO230-6-2002 ISO 230-6-2002 机床检验通则.第6部分:体和面对角线的位置和精度的测定(对角线位移试验
语  言: 简体中文
授权形式: 免费下载
发布日期: 2002-11-01◎
实施日期: 2002-11-01◎
标准编号: ISO 230-6-2002
标准名称: 机床检验通则.第6部分:体和面对角线的位置和精度的测定(对角线位移试验
英文名称: Test code for machine tools - Part 6: Determinaton of positioning, accuracy on body and face diagonals (Diagonal displacement tests(仅供参考)
标准简介: ISO 230-6-2002 机床检验通则.第6部分:体和面对角线的位置和精度的测定(对角线位移试验 ISO230-6-2002 ScopeThis part of ISO 230 specifies diagonal displacement tests which allow the estimation of the volumetric performance of a machine tool. Complete testing of the volumetric performance of a machine tool is a difficult and time-consuming process. Diagonal displacement tests reduce the time and cost associated with testing the volumetric performance.A diagonal displacement test is not in itself a diagnostic test although conclusions of a diagnostic nature may sometimes be possible from the results. In particular when face diagonal tests are included a direct measurement of the axes squareness is possible. Diagonal displacement tests on body diagonals may be supplemented by tests in the face diagonals by tests parallel to the machine axes in accordance with ISO 230-2 or by the evaluation of the contouring performance in the three coordinate planes as defined in ISO 230-4.Diagonal displacement tests may be used for acceptance purposes and as reassurance of machine performance where parameters of the test are used as comparison index. 压缩包解压密码:www.51zbz.com
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采标情况: 等同BS ISO 230-6-2002(仅供参考)
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下载次数: 69次
下载地址: 点此打开推荐最佳下载地址
上一篇:ISO 230-5-2000 机床试验规则.第5部分:噪声排放的测定 下一篇:ZB J 50001-1987 检验棒 相关链接:

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